Showing 24 Result(s)

I Know You Don’t Trust The Healthcare System And I Don’t Blame You: A Discussion on Racism & Medicine

Racism.⁣ ⁣ The very word makes the majority of people uncomfortable. A discomfort that fails to even remotely compare to the effects of actually experiencing racism.⁣ ⁣ Daily effects include stress, anxiety, burnout, loss of interest, hopelessness, depression, etc. Racism in medicine, however, leads to delayed diagnoses, inadequate treatment, unnecessary interventions, insufficient counseling, impairment or …

Vaginal Steaming: Myth or Magic?

#Vaginalsteaming is a practice that involves a woman sitting over hot liquid (typically containing herbs) in an effort to cleanse/revitalize the vagina. Some suggested benefits are regulation of menses, stabilizing of hormones, improved cramping, treatment of discharge/odor, increased libido, decreased depression, & improved male partner pleasure. What doesn’t add up: – How this steam would …

Yoni Eggs: Myth or Magic?

“Yoni” is an ancient Indian word used for the female genitalia that means “sacred space.” ⁣⁣Yoni Eggs are polished stones (usually made of quartz or jade) that are meant to be inserted into the vagina for a number of purposes. They are touted as a tool for kegel exercises, and a way to maintain vaginal …

Social Distancing Check-List

As we continue to practice social distancing, I wanted to create a checklist of items to stock up on to optimize reproductive and menstrual health while at home. ⁣ ⁣ For those trying for pregnancy: ⁣ 1.) Prenatal vitamins. ⁣ Start taking these now. While fertility treatments (such as egg retrievals and IVF) have been …

Fufulling My Purpose

Above is a picture of 8 year old Char looking up toward her Mama as she coached her through singing “Jesus Loves Me”. Why was this happening? Because the gathered family wanted to hear it, and my Mother knew I could do it. I literally said “I don’t want to!” And, in all of her …

Passing My Oral Boards!

This morning, I’m reminding myself that the stressors of today are often due to the answered prayers of yesterday. ⁣ ⁣ I’ve been anxiously studying for my oral boards which are in 3 short weeks. I just finished being on call for the past 24hrs. Our PAG research abstract submission deadline is today. I have …